Ideation Cycles

Code Nation, an ideation factory of the DevFactory (Triology Group), requires its developers to innovate, develop and sell products to the customers, all by themselves.

Project 1 : SOLID Issue Finder for making code more testable

  • Tool detect the violation of SOLID principles in the Code Base.
    • S - Single Responsibility
    • O - Open Closed Principle
    • L - Liskov Substitution Principle
    • I - Interface Segregation
    • D - Dependency Inversion
  • Adherence to SOLID leads to a testing suite with less execution paths to cover and tests generated for such code bases are non flaky.
  • Violation leads to situations shown in the diagram, where a long method with multiple responsibilities might lead to 120 execution paths as compared to 15 if SOLID is followed. .
  • The tool saves half a million dollars for the testing team annually.

Project 2 : Autofix for SOLID

  • Aims at changing the code base automatically to get rid of SOLID violations.
  • Working on the project currently.

Training Experience

  • Docker
  • Spring Boot
  • Junit - Mockito
  • Spring Boot
  • Celery
  • Django
  • AWS Neptune
  • AWS AppSync
  • AWS S3
  • React Native - Elementary
  • Neo4j
  • Linear Regression
  • Logistic Regression
  • Neural Networks
  • Linear Regression
  • Simple CNN and Transfer Learning
  • Self Driving Car